Monday, January 05, 2009

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Only the composer is able to play it right if anybody

This thought came to my mind today at the musical lesson which I attened this morning. I accompanied my son which was taught by his musical teacher.
and I thought attentively listening to the sounds of piano that all the pianists when playing a composed by someone else music are only trying to guess the true meaning the teue pattern and sounds of it and ubevitable fail. I only guess if the composer itself could succeed in bringing up the whole idea. What if they were doomed to desperatly spoil the underlying powerful insight to the nature of things?!

Monday, December 19, 2005

If we would only try

I met a child today at a notary's office. He had a kind of mental disorder but he shook me with his emotional power. He was around 6 and his father, grand mother and mom were with him. His movements were jerky, his face was pale.
He held an icon in his hand asked for more, saying loudly, urgently and repeatedly:"Buy me a little icon!". he was denied by his granny who asked him to be patient, to wait until the grown-ups would finish their bisiness at the notary, but he still repeated his plead and finally threw the icon to the floor staying with clear firm and determined expression on his face.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

They were pianists

Yes, a pair of guys who worked hot together on one piano. They were godlike,
and not because they sounded terrific and looked such also. They were going to come to our city and give their concert yesterday and this date was shown on the sold tickets and posters. But they made a mess with their tickets and came later a day than it was planned. Nothing terrific about it, is it? But yesterday my son who is a beginner in piano playing wasn't able to come to the concert together with us, his parents because school lessons. And I was in a great hurry too because my first wife asked me to go shopping with her and I was quite nervous not to be late for the concert. But today my son had only three lessons at school what is very unusual and had plenty of time to get prepared and go to see the perfomance. And just this morning he had played the piano together with another boy so what happened on the scene was to concern him very much. So I saw as if these pianists urgently changed their schedule just to take into account the business of my son and made their best to allow me my wife and, the most important, my son to get together at the performance. Haven't it been godlike to arrange their schedule so that my son could participate in the performance? And it was not the only thing that made me think of them this way. Otherwise the happening could be related to a mere coincidence, funny and pleasant occurance happened by chance.